Inside Asian Gaming

IAG JUN 2020年6月 亞博匯 44 COVER STORY of guanxi with Beijing. Mainland officials insisted Fok divest his STDM shares – they went to the Fok Foundation – as it considered him for Hong Kong chief executive. Yip Hon was a renowned Shanghai gambler and casino operator – China outlawed casino gambling in 1949 – said to be a member of the Hong Men secret society, an alleged organized crime group. Yip had extensive connections in the mainland and Macau casino establishment and in Las Vegas, where he spanned the generations from Bugsy Siegel to Steve Wynn. Yip is credited with introducing Macau to international games such as baccarat and blackjack. Yip and Ho would have a major falling out during the 1980s, but Yip never lost his clout in Vegas. After Wynn ate lunch with Yip in Hong Kong in early 1994, the casino owner told Michael Jackson, who had taken up residence in a Mirage suite, to beat it so Yip could occupy his usual digs over Chinese New Year. 於1954年創辦了澳門格蘭披治大賽車,該賽事以穿梭澳門街道聞 名,令人聯想起摩納哥大獎賽,更坐實澳門作為「亞洲蒙地卡羅」 的美譽。 霍英東最初是澳娛中最具政治和財政實力的人,雖然他曾 在香港中華總商會擔任會長多年,但該會未有推廣其一夜致富的 故事。他繼承家族沒落的船運業務,在韓戰期間,依賴運送鋼鐵和 橡膠等軍事支援到中國來累積財富。他否認普遍的指控,有關他 無視聯合國禁令出售軍武,不過他已在北京建立了龐大的人脈關 係。內地官員曾視霍為香港特首人選,要求他放棄澳娛股權,有關 股權最後亦轉移至霍英東基金會。 葉漢曾是上海知名的賭徒及賭場營運商,但中國內地於1949 年頒令禁賭。葉據稱是洪門幫會成員,該會被指涉嫌組織犯罪活 動。他在內地、澳門賭場及拉斯維加斯都有廣泛的人脈關係,他見 證拉城改朝換代,從本傑明・西格爾到史提芬・永利。葉被指為澳 門引入國際博彩遊戲形式,包括百家樂及廿一點。在1980年代,葉 漢與何鴻燊嚴重鬧翻,但葉從未在拉城失去地位。永利與葉1984 年初在香港共晉午餐後,永利要求住在其Mirage酒店套房的巨星 米高・積遜離開,因為葉是該房間的常客,並需在農曆新年期間入 住 。