Inside Asian Gaming

IAG NOV 2019年11月 亞博匯 17 GAMBLER SUESMARINABAY SANDSOVER ALLEGED ILLEGAL TRANSFEROFUS$6.6MILLION 賭客起訴濱海灣金沙非法轉移其660萬美元資金 A former gambler at Singapore’s Marina Bay Sands (MBS) is suing the casino for allegedly transferring SG$9.1 million (US$6.6 million) of his money to other patrons without his authority, Bloomberg reports. According to a lawsuit filed with the Singapore High Court, Wang Xi discovered in July this year that the cash had been transferred from his casino deposit account via 22 transfers made between October and December 2015. Wang was then told by MBS that it had received authorization letters signed by him in Macau to proceed with the transfers, but he says those signatures had been illegally copied and pasted and that he doesn’t know any of the recipients of his funds. He also alleges he was told by MBS that original copies of the letters had since been destroyed for “reasons of confidentiality.” The lawsuit says MBS “failed to verify whether the Disputed Authorization Letters were in fact signed by the plaintiff before effecting the disputed transactions.” 據 彭博通訊社報道,新加坡濱海灣金沙(MBS)近 期遭到一名前賭客起訴,稱該公司在未獲其本人 授權情況下,擅自將他的910萬新加坡元(660萬美 元)轉至其他賭客。 根據該向新加坡高等法院提起的訴訟,該名 為Wang Xi的賭客於今年7月發現,該筆金額乃是 在2015年10月至12月期間分22次從他的賭場存 款賬戶轉走。 Wang Xi被濱海灣金沙告知,賭場是收到了他 在澳門簽署的授權書從而轉賬,但其本人表示,這 些簽名為非法複製貼上的,他並不認識接受轉賬 的人。 他還聲稱,濱海灣金沙告訴他,這些信件 的原始副本出於「保密原因」已被銷毀。該訴訟 稱,MBS「在進行有爭議的交易之前,並未核實該 有爭議的授權書是否實際上是由原告簽署。」