Inside Asian Gaming

IAG JUL 2019年7月 亞博匯 29 liked the smoky, low-ceiling, neon lights, the tacky gold and shiny white marble in the past, but as their taste evolves they’re going to want more elegant things. I think Morpheus has proved that. But 10 years ago the rule was that if Lawrence likes something, more likely than not, guests aren’t going to like it. MC: So have you changed? Have guests changed? LH: Over the past 10 years, guests coming to Macau have definitely become more sophisticated. Our goal at Melco has always been to build things that are ahead of the times from an international perspective. Of course, I have also learned from our past experiences we cannot be too far ahead. MC: Some people say Melco is better at financial deals than running resorts. LH: The story of Melco was really built in the last 15 years. And yes, a lot of corporate finance was involved. But on the resort side, there are things that we’ve always done very well. We’re very proud that we have more Forbes five-star hotels than any of our competitors in the markets we operate in. We have more Michelin-star restaurants than any of our competitors. The reason those things are important for us is that we do appeal to a premium customer. And premium customers are not just coming for the gaming experience, they’re coming for the total resort experience, and naturally accommodation and food and beverage are very important. Equally with the attractions and entertainment, no one has won more attractions awards. So we do a lot of stuff really, really well on non-gaming. On the gaming side, we can do better. I hope our financial performance can be better and that goes back to the philosophy which we’ve always had, that we’re building for the future. But even now, I do have conversations with my colleagues that we’ve built all this great stuff, the future is now. Let’s stop looking at people who are going to be coming in three years, they should come now. But having said that, would I do anything differently? I really wouldn’t. I want to make sure that the stuff we’ve built we’re totally proud of. I’m never going to say that people like that cheap gold and red stuff, so we’re going to plaster our resorts with it. MC:那是你改變了,還是客人改變了? 何猷龍: 過去十年間,來澳門的客人無疑變得更加見多識廣。我們 新濠的目標始終是打造在國際視野下的領先產品。當然,我也從 過去的經驗中學到,不能一下走得太多。 MC:有人說相較於經營度假村,新濠更擅長金融交易。 何猷龍: 新濠的歷史真的是在過去十五年間建立起來的。沒錯,當 中的確涉及很多企業融資的事宜。 但在經營度假村方面,在一些事上我們一直做得很好。我們 十分自豪,在我們身處的市場中,擁有比任何競爭對手都更多的 福布斯五星級酒店。我們比任何競爭對手擁有更多米芝蓮星級餐 廳。這些之所以於我們而言很重要,是因為我們真的吸引到高端 客戶。高端客戶不僅僅是為了博彩體驗而來,他們是為了整體的 度假體驗而來,那住宿和餐飲自然是十分重要的一環。如果比吸 引力和娛樂,沒有人比我們獲得過更多關於熱門景點的獎項。所 以我們的確在非博彩方面做得非常好。 在博彩這一塊,我們可以做得更好。我希望我們的財務表現 能更好,這可以追溯到了我們一直以來秉持的理念,即為未來做 準備。但現在,我也跟同事說,我們現在已經創造出這些很棒的東 西,未來即現在,我們不要再看那些三年後才來的人,他們現在就 應該到了。 但話雖如此,我的做法會因此有所不同嗎?真的不會。我想確 保我們所創造的一切都是值得引以為傲的。我永遠不會覺得,因 為大家喜歡那種廉價的金色和紅色,所以我們就要用它們來裝飾 我們的度假村。 MC: 有沒有想過將新濠國際和新濠博亞娛樂合併呢? 何猷龍: 我們稍稍研究過這事。但是尤其在當今面臨著牌照即將 續期之際,政府更希望新濠國際作為由我控股的香港上市公司, 來控股新濠博亞娛樂。我們將來可能會再做考量。 MC: 您的管理層架構現在運作如何? 何猷龍: 運行得不錯。讓各物業總裁各自專注其所負責物業——我 們有個矩陣——然後各專業領域都有領軍人物在發揮出色表現, 這個架構運十分有效,比僅僅設置一個首席營運官要好很多。我 當時遠離這職位的原因是新濠影匯剛剛開業,那邊需要得到更多 封面故事