Inside Asian Gaming

IAG FEB 2021年2月 亞博匯 78 By Ben Blaschke DIVING INTO DIGITAL With Macau-based MdME Lawyers having just launched a new digital transformation team to help Asia’s IRs capitalize on technological opportunities, Partner Rui Pinto Proença and Special Counsel and Technology Expert Lawyer Victoria White explain how digital is the way forward for gaming and tourism operators. 數碼機遇此中尋 澳門律師樓MdME Lawyers新近成立了一隊專責數碼轉型的團隊,幫助亞洲的綜 合度假村緊握科技先機。律師樓的合夥人RuiPintoProença和特別顧問兼科技專 家Victoria White律師剖析為何數碼化是博彩及旅遊業者向前邁進的不二坦途。 文 本思齊 FEATURES