Inside Asian Gaming

IAG FEB 2021年2月 亞博匯 39 封面故事 to his childhood home with a pushke, a charity box where his father, a Boston taxi driver eking out a living during The Great Depression, deposited a few coins a week for those “worse off than we are.” On his first visit to Israel, Adelson wore a pair of his father’s shoes. The Adelsons donated hundreds of millions of dollars to Jewish and Zionist causes, including the Yad Varshem Holocaust Memorial, Taglich-Birthright Israel sponsoring trips to Israel- for American Jewish adolescents, and an Israeli American school near their Nevada home that their two sons attended. In 2007, the Adelsons launched Israel Hayom , a free daily that quickly achieved the nation’s top circulation. Hayom supported their hard-right political stance, opposing a Palestinian state and promoting settlements in the occupied territories. The family has reportedly invested more than US$50 million in the newspaper that long supported Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu. Sivan Dumont, the younger of Dr Adelson’s two daughters from her first marriage, is reportedly active in Hayom , and in 2018, Dr Adelson was named its publisher. In 2015, the Adelsons acquired Nevada’s high- circulation newspaper, the Las Vegas Review-Journal , in a deal orchestrated by Patrick Dumont, Sivan Dumont’s husband, then an LVS senior vice president, now its President and COO. The Adelson motive may have been more friendly coverage – and some writers critical of LVS left in the wake of the deal – as well as more political clout. The Las Vegas Review-Journal was the only major US paper to endorse Donald Trump for President in 2016, but Trump lost the state of Nevada. The Adelsons also funded anti-drug efforts. Dr Adelson specializes in anti-addiction treatment and has been active in clinics in Israel and the US. Long an addict, Adelson’s eldest son from his first marriage, Mitchell, died of an overdose in 2005. Adelson had two sons and a daughter from that 巨 大的財富令蕭登·艾德森及其夫人Miriam醫 生成為美國及以色列的關鍵政治人物。 艾德森自小支持美國民主黨,但其在2012年《 華爾街日報》的專欄中寫道,「民主黨離我而 去」。他堅決地反對威尼斯人的工會組織,儘 管民主黨人傳統上支持工會。當他變得富有之後,他接受了共和 黨所提倡的「低稅福音」。 從2008年選舉週期開始,艾德森夫婦向共和黨候選人捐款了 數千萬美元,並在2012年、2016年、2018年和2020年的競選活動 中認捐了共1億美元。許多人認為艾德森夫婦促使特朗普決定將 美國駐以色列大使館遷至耶路撒冷。 Miriam(未婚前姓氏為Farbstein)於1945年出生於英國託管 下的特拉維夫,她經常被認為是艾德森堅定支持以色列立場的推 動力。但是艾德森將自己的猶太身份認同追溯到童年時期,當時 他的父親是波士頓的一名出租車司機,在經濟大蕭條時期勉強維 持生計,但每週都會在一個慈善箱投放幾枚硬幣,捐獻予那些「比 我們境況更差」的人。 艾德森在第一次訪問以色列時穿了一雙父親穿過的鞋。艾德 森夫婦向猶太人和猶太復國主義事業捐贈了數億美元,包括建立 猶太大屠殺紀念館、資助美國猶太青少年前往以色列進行「尋根 之旅Taglich-Birthright Israel」,以及在其內華達家居附近打造 一所收錄以色列裔美國人的學校,他們的兩個兒子都曾在此就 讀。 2007年,艾德森夫婦創立了免費日報《今日以色列》,很快成 為以色列全國發行量最大的報紙。這份報紙支持了他們強硬的右 翼立場,反對巴勒斯坦建國並推動在被佔領土上建立定居點。這 對夫婦據報在這份長期支持「聯合黨」(Likud)領導人內塔尼亞胡 的報紙上投資超過5000萬美元。Miriam在第一次婚姻中有兩個 女兒,當中小女兒Sivan Dumont在該報十分活躍。2018年,Miri- am成為這報的出版人。 2015年,艾德森夫婦收購了內華達州的一份高發行量報紙《 拉斯維加斯評論報》,該交易由Sivan Dumont的丈夫Patrick Du- mont推動,他時任LVS集團高級副總裁,現在則是該集團的主席 兼COO。艾德森的初衷或許是謀求更為友好的報道以及更大的政