Inside Asian Gaming

IAG FEB 2021年2月 亞博匯 31 封面故事 Chinese concessionaire, Macau authorities found the device of a subconcession to allow LVS and Galaxy to operate independently. Going solo, Adelson turned the temporary casino into Sands Macao, opened in May 2004 as the world ’ s largest casino. Without hotel rooms, junket promoters or stores and with six money -losing restaurants, Sands Macao earned back its entire US$265 million development cost in six months. Some two dozen banks financed the project, eager for a piece of Adelson’s next deal. Sands Macao fueled a New York Stock Exchange listing for LVS in December 2004. Adelson retained a majority stake, and over the next two years, his wealth increased at a record rate approaching US$1 million an hour (when the 2008 global financial crisis hit, Adelson’s wealth declined at a record rate, but he remained sufficiently flush to provide a US$1 billion loan to keep LVS afloat and defeat Weidner’s boardroom coup). During those same two years, Macau overtook the Vegas Strip in gaming revenue. Operating in the former Portuguese colony drew a bright line between commercial casino industry haves and have-nots: Caesars Entertainment, Trump Casinos and Harrah’s, leading US gaming names before Macau, wound up bankrupt. Opening the US$2.7 billion Venetian Macao in 2007 began the process of moving Macau’s center of gaming gravity from the peninsula to Cotai. Relatively plentiful land enabled development of more non-gaming amenities that had boosted LVS in Las Vegas and established its lead in the most profitable mass market segment. Investing US$13 billion, LVS subsidiary Sands China built 13,000 guest rooms – matching its rivals’ combined total – representing seven hotel brands, 800 retail shops, five casinos with more than 1,300 tables and 5,000 machines, a 15,000-seat arena, two theaters, 150,000 square meters of MICE space and two faux European cities – Parisian Macao opened in 2015 – with a third, Londoner, in the works. Sands Macao also set the stage for Adelson’s 2006 victory in the global competition for Singapore’s 在臨近政府要求達成正式合作協議的最後期限前,LVS和銀 娛決定解除合作夥伴關係。到底是雙方的分歧不能解決,還是艾 德森對只能持有澳門項目30%感不滿,這事旁人未能知曉。當政 府官員忙於儘快為此尋找解決方案時,LVS亮出了王牌。 當艾德森視察以往還是沼澤地的路氹城時,澳門政府官員希 望澳門威尼斯人在該區建設,而艾德森回應道:「感謝相關土地, 但它在哪裡?」2002年,這未完成填海的區域,位於氹仔和路環的 交界,是面積達5.8平方公里(2.2平方英里)的大白象工程。言歸 正傳,艾德森當時已洞悉路氹城的潛力,不僅可建成威尼斯人,甚 至可發展成澳門版的拉斯維加斯大道。有評論認為,艾德森提出 願意發展路氹城,以換取澳門特區政府同意其與銀娛解除合作關 係。 拆分牌照 由於澳門當局不願放棄艾德森的會展發展藍圖,亦不願取消 唯一的新華資幸運博彩特許經營者,因此提出了轉批給制度,讓 LVS和銀娛能夠獨立運作。艾德森隨後在澳門獨立經營博彩業務, 將臨時娛樂場化身成澳門金沙,該項目於2004年5月開業時是全 球最大的娛樂場。在沒有酒店客房、博彩中介人或商店,而且營 運六家業務虧損的餐廳的情況下,澳門金沙在開業六個月內的收 入,已足以抵銷2.65億美元的項目開發成本。大約有20多家銀行 為澳門金沙發展提供資金,並渴望在艾德森的下一個項目中分一 杯羹。 澳門金沙的成功促使LVS於2004年在紐約證券交易所上市, 艾德森保持在集團的多數股權。在接下來的兩年中,其財富以驚 人速度增長,每小時增加近100萬美元(當2008年全球金融危機來 襲時,艾德森的財富亦以破紀錄的速度萎縮,但他的資金仍然充 裕,可提供10億美元的貸款,以保持LVS的運作,並擊退Weidner 所策劃的董事會「逼宮」)。 澳門博彩收入亦在這兩年間超越了拉斯維加斯大道。在澳 門這前葡萄牙殖民地開展娛樂場業務,成為商業博彩行業的分水 嶺:在澳門發展前,於美國博彩業領軍的機構,如凱撒娛樂、特朗 普賭場及哈拉斯娛樂,將申請破產。 耗資27億美元的澳門威尼斯人於2007年開業,令澳門博彩重