Inside Asian Gaming

IAG FEB 2021年2月 亞博匯 23 封面故事 S heldon Adelson lived the American dream, from sleeping on a tenement floor as a child to revolutionizing Las Vegas with The Venetian and the convention- driven business model, becoming a multimillionaire in the process. For most people that would have been enough. But the Las Vegas Sands founder produced a more spectacular second act in Asia. In his 70s and 80s, Adelson led Macau’s transformation from what he called “a seedy backwater” to the world’s leading casino destination, far surpassing the Las Vegas Strip’s gaming revenue. That transformation was centered on Adelson’s brainchild, the Cotai integrated resort hub. In Singapore, Adelson developed Marina Bay Sands, the industry’s most admired integrated resort and in most years its most profitable. Asia made Adelson wealthier faster than anyone in human history, elevating him to the leading figure in early 21st century gaming and a political kingmaker in the US and Israel. From humble beginnings, he placed 28th on the Forbes 2020 billionaires list with a fortune of US$26.8 billion – surviving in the process a bout of non-Hodgkin lymphoma that sidelined him for much of 2019, only to bounce back at age 86. “Mr Adelson cemented his place in the gaming industry well before LVS landed a license in Macau and Singapore,” Global Market Advisors Government Affairs Director Brendan Bussmann said. Bussmann worked in a similar position for LVS and, like many past and current Sands employees, refers to the founder as Mr Adelson. “He fundamentally changed the paradigm in Las Vegas.” Thomas Arasi, who presided over the opening of Marina Bay Sands, recalls Adelson telling him, “I don’t look at businesses the way everybody else does. I look 從 孩童時睡在租住單位的地板上,到後來通過 威尼斯人及以會展主導的商業模式來革新 拉斯維加斯,蕭登.艾德森的一生可謂活出 了美國夢,並成為身家豐厚的富翁。很多人 可能會滿足於如此的成就,但這位拉斯維加 斯金沙(LVS)的創辦人卻為自己的人生在亞洲譜寫出更為人津津 樂道的新篇章。 已逾古稀之年的艾德森,帶領著澳門從他口中所謂的「一潭 未經開發的死水」,轉變為世界首屈一指的娛樂場目的地,並且錄 得遠超拉斯維加斯大道的博彩收入。這個轉變的中心點,就是艾 德森的心血結晶、在路氹的綜合度假村群。艾德森在新加坡發展 了濱海灣金沙,成為行業內最受讚譽、多年來大部分時間都利潤 最高的綜合度假村。亞洲讓艾德森迅速致富,該速度是人類歷史 上前未見聞的,令他躍升為廿一世紀初博彩業的領軍人物,也成 了美國和以色列的政壇造王者。 出身寒微的他,在2020年福布斯億萬富翁排行榜中排名第28 位,估計身家高達268億美元。非霍奇金氏淋巴瘤讓他在2019年大 部分時間被迫退下火線,但他依然頑強地與病魔搏鬥,卻於86歲 時再次深陷病床。 GlobalMarketAdvisors的政府事務總監BrendanBussmann 說:「艾德森先生早在拉斯維加斯金沙取得澳門及新加坡賭牌前, 就已經奠定了他在博彩業的地位。」 Bussmann在拉斯維加斯金沙曾出任類似現時的職位。就像 很多金沙前任及現任員工一樣,他亦以艾德森先生去稱呼這位金 沙的創辦人:「他根本地改變了拉斯維加斯的模式。」 負責濱海灣金沙開幕的Thomas Arasi回憶起艾德森對他所 說的話:「我對於生意的看法與其他人不一樣。我要用不同的方法 看待生意,並且找出如何讓生意做得更好、更大及更有利潤的方 法。」 Arasi現在是Bloomberry Resorts和公司旗下位於馬尼拉的 晨麗娛樂場及渡假城的總裁兼營運總監。他補充道:「艾德森當時 決定要帶來前所未有的大規模的會展、零售及非博彩元素。這決 定只能形容為非常有勇氣......他真是一位先驅者。」 艾德森對於綜合度假村的構思,是源自其旅遊業經驗。據估