Inside Asian Gaming

IAG JUN 2020年6月 亞博匯 24 COVER STORY want “Stanley Ho two and Stanley Ho three” getting new casino concessions, yet Ho and his children were integral to three of the city’s six gaming operations. To celebrate his award, the 87-year-old patriarch Ho gave a thoroughly professional 30-minute presentation, complete with slides, in perfect English. “Gaming should never be a win-lose proposition,” Ho said, framing his vision of corporate social responsibility, backed by tens of millions of dollars in philanthropy in Macau, mainland China, Hong Kong and beyond. “ From society, to society: this is my long- term vision. Although I’m not a gambler, I would wager that this is one of the best bets that you can make.” Four weeks later, Ho fell in a bathroom at his Hong Kong compound, leading to three brain surgeries, effectively ending his business career, though he didn’t surrender chairmanship of his casino holdings 但可以肯定的是何鴻燊的確是一位贏家,而且回報豐厚。從他由 四位紅顏知己所生的16名子女,到他超過50年作為澳門賭王,何 鴻燊就是一位巨人、一位熱愛交際舞的舞者、2008/09年香港馬王 「爆冷」的馬主,以及一位非常成功的商人。 何鴻燊以超人的腦力、膽識及魅力,優雅地以鐵腕運籌帷幄。 中國於1999年12月接收的,正是他親手創造的現代澳門。 枝繁葉茂 何鴻燊營造出一個澳門慈善叔父的形象,卻以殺伐果決見 稱。在過去數十年間,何鴻燊就著其胞妹何婉琪的兩個由二人堂 弟何鴻章所出的子女向何婉琪施壓。兩名子女中有一人就澳娛所 欠的股息控告何鴻燊,索償20億港元(2.55億美元)。在2011年,已 屆89歲高齡的何鴻燊於病榻上進行電視直播,就其財產分配與何 超瓊及其一派交鋒。只能說真的虎父無犬女。 何鴻燊生於香港名流何東爵士的家族中一個霸道的分支。他 的曾祖父Charles Bosman是香港十九世紀中期一位成功的荷蘭 猶太裔商人,中文名何仕文。他的表兄弟中包括李小龍。何仕文的