Inside Asian Gaming
IAG MAY 2020年5月 亞博匯 20 COVER STORY ASIA COMES TO VEGAS As COVID-19 brings the Las Vegas Strip to a standstill, Genting Group may get its timing just right as it nears completion of the US$4.3 billion Resorts World Las Vegas. 東成西就 COVID-19疫情令拉斯維加斯大道陷入停滯,即將完工、投資 額逾43億美元的雲頂中華世界或成為雲頂集團的絕佳機會。 By 文 Muhammad Cohen Muhammad Cohen is Editor at Large of Inside AsianGaming , a contributor to Forbes Asia and wrote Hong Kong On Air , a novel set during the 1997 handover about TV news, love, betrayal, high finance and cheap lingerie. Muhammad Cohen 是《亞 博匯》特約編輯、 《福布斯亞洲》 撰稿人,著有以 1997年香港回 歸為背景的小說 《Hong Kong On Air》。 Images 圖片 : Las Vegas Review-Journal
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