Inside Asian Gaming

IAG APR 2020年4月 亞博匯 44 IN FOCUS Americans and Australians also rank among the top visitor groups to Phú Qu ố c, and the latter are in evidence on the Corona casino floor. In addition to sun seekers, there’s a significant Korean expatriate population in Vietnam, many involved with manufacturing by Korean companies there. Those expats are a key market for slot clubs in five-star hotels in Vietnamese cities, and Corona counts those clubs as rivals for foreign players. Van Vuuren believes that Corona could succeed as a foreigner-only casino with a different business plan, though no one wants to test that theory. The virus was slower to infect Corona’s business due to its reduced reliance on mainland Chinese players. However the resort hasn’t been immune to the overall slowdown in travel across Asia. Executives are confident that positive trends will resume once the virus threat dissipates. And they’re not concerned about any lasting impact from sharing the Corona name with the virus. “Most of the jokes are about the beer,” Milosheski says. 一個月的數字。在那個月裏,韓國旅客佔總旅客18%,中國 大陸佔12%,馬來西亞佔7%—亞洲航空每天都從吉隆坡直 飛那裏—俄羅斯則佔5%。這些旅客群某程度上都是富國島 主要外國旅客的指標,雖然比例並不一定如此。 美國及澳洲遊客也名列於富國島幾個主要遊客族群之 中,而後者的臨在於Corona的娛樂場區域裏面更為明顯。 除了那些追逐陽光的遊客外,越南還有大量的韓國人 居住在那裏,很多都與越南當地的韓國製造工廠有關。這些 旅越韓人都是各個越南城市中五星酒店內角子機俱樂部的 主要客戶。Corona亦把這些俱樂部當作在海外旅客方面的 競爭對手。Van Vuuren相信Corona可以通過一個不同的商 業計劃,以一間只招待外國人的娛樂場的姿態獲得成功,雖 然沒有人希望測試這個理論到底是否成立。 而由於Corona對於中國大陸玩家依賴減少,因此病毒 對其業務的影響亦沒有來得那麼急。可是該度假村亦未能 倖免於這次席捲亞洲的旅遊業放緩潮。管理層都有信心,一 旦疫情過去,這正面的趨勢將會重新顯然,而他們也不擔心 由於名字中帶有Corona這個字而受到任何長期的影響。 「畢竟大部分的笑話都集中在那個名字的啤酒上。」 Milosheski 說 。