Inside Asian Gaming

IAG MAR 2020年3月 亞博匯 68 FEATURES W ith its 55 story triple towers and the world’s most famous rooftop pool, Marina Bay Sands (MBS) is an icon of Singapore, the most profitable property in the Las Vegas Sands portfolio, an industry flagship and object of envy from cities around the world. MBS President and CEO George Tanasijevich has been there from the license bid and is overseeing a US$3.3 billion expansion beyond 2,500 guest rooms and 1.3 million square foot convention center, as well as adding a 15,000 seat arena and another rooftop pool. With MBS turning 10 in April, Tanasijevich, also spearheading Japan IR efforts as LVS director of global development, looks back and ahead in this interview with IAG Editor at Large Muhammad Cohen (before the coronavirus outbreak impacted regional tourism). Muhammad Cohen: What’s made Marina Bay Sands so successful? GeorgeTanasijevich: Itwas theright thing forSingapore at the right time. They gave us clear instructions and laid out objectives and goals that we were supposed to achieve, things we should align with. What they were hoping to achieve in this particular location is very consistent with the business model that we had pioneered that focuses on MICE and entertainment. [Architect] Moshe Safdie came upwith a spectacular design that was perfect for this particular site, one that captured the attention and the imagination of tourists and media and others all around the world, including governments in other locations. We work very hard to program Marina Bay Sands with the best that is on offer across all of the categories that are contained in this property. 擁 有三棟樓高55層摩天大樓以及世界最著名 天台泳池的濱海灣金沙(Marina Bay Sands, MBS),已然成為新加坡的地標,並且在拉斯 維加斯金沙(Las Vegas Sands, LVS)的一眾物 業中以盈利能力稱冠。在整個行業之中,它可 算是一棟旗艦物業,並且令世界各地的城市既艷羨又妒忌。 MBS的主席兼行政總裁George Tanasijevich從競投牌照的那 一刻就已經參與其中,並且正親手主理一項價值33億美元的擴充 計劃,把2500間客房以及130萬平方呎的會議中心加進該物業裏, 還有一個設有15000個座位的表演場地,以及另一個天台泳池。 MBS將於今年四月慶祝成立十週年,而同時兼任LVS環球拓 展總經理、正在為日本IR努力衝刺的Tanasijevich,也與《亞博匯》 的特邀編輯Muhammad Cohen在區域旅遊業受到冠狀病毒爆發 影響前回顧過去、展望未來。 Muhammad Cohen: 是甚麼令到濱海灣金沙如此成功呢? George Tanasijevich: 這是一件在對的時間發生、為新加坡而言 對的事。他們給了我們清晰的指示,並且列出我們應該要達到的 目標與目的,以及我們要遵循的事項。他們希望在這個地點所達 成的事,與我們創建的這種專注在會展(MICE)及娛樂的業務模式 十分吻合。 Moshe Safdie建築師想出如此絕妙的設計,實在是與這個地 點配合得天衣無縫,成功吸引到旅客們、傳媒,以及包括世界各地 政府在內不同人士的注意,並且激發了他們的幻想。我們用盡最 大的努力,以最好的一切來編織出濱海灣金沙,使這個物業蘊藏 著各方面的至美。 當牽涉到一間綜合度假村時,你會做大量的計劃和制定策 略,還會盡量把一切都編排到最好,然後在你開門迎客後,客人們 都會開始與你交談,而你的工作基本上又要重頭再來,因為客人 和旅客的口味經常轉變。我覺得我們在很多事上都做出很好的成 績,包括走在客人前面、對挑戰的預期、對問題作出修正,以及建 立一間為新加坡設計及編制的綜合度假村等。我們將其定位成要 為新加坡政府及人民提供協助,以達成他們在經濟旅遊及就業市 場方面的目標。