Inside Asian Gaming

IAG NOV 2019年11月 亞博匯 15 PHILIPPINES CASINO-RELATED KIDNAPPING CASES MORE THAN DOUBLE IN 2019 菲律賓警方表示於2019年與娛樂 場有關的綁架案數字增長超過一倍 THE number of people to have fallen victim to casino-related kidnappings in the Philippines has soared in 2019, with more than double the amount of kidnappings through the first nine months of the year than throughout all of 2018. The figure was revealed during a summit held by the Philippine National Police (PNP) for its Anti-Kidnapping Group (AKG), titled “Strategic Partnership and Collaboration Towards a Kidnap-Free Philippines.” The summit revealed police data showing there have already been 35 victims of casino-related kidnappings in 2019, 106% more than the 17 kidnapped last year. Of those victims, 27 have been Chinese, three Malaysian, two South Koreans and one each from the United States, Australia and Vietnam. The total number of documented cases in 2019 has reached 31 compared with 16 last year. 菲律賓 2019年與娛樂場有關綁架案受害人數字出現顯 著升幅,綁架案件數目比起2018年首9個月上升超過一 倍。 這項數字是由菲律賓國家警察(Philippine National Police, PNP)為其反綁架小組(Anti-Kidnapping Group, AKG)在一個以「通過戰略伙伴關係與合作來邁向一個無 綁架案的菲律賓」為題的峰會中公佈。 根據菲律賓傳媒報道,該峰會中所公佈的警方數字 顯示,由2019年年頭至今,已經有35名人士成為了與娛 樂場有關綁架案的受害人,比起去年同期的17名大升 106%。在這些受害人當中,27名是中國人,3名馬來西亞 人,兩名南韓人,其餘的分別為美國、澳洲及越南人。 而有紀錄的案件宗數就上升至31宗,去年的數字則 為16宗。