Inside Asian Gaming

IAG JUN 2019年6月 亞博匯 25 封面故事 Kangwon Land from Seoul is less harrowing but still takes about three hours, and it’s a longer ride by train. A casino visit starts with presenting your identification at the entry desk. If you’re Korean, you pay an entry fee of KRW9,000 (US$7.60) and receive a High1 club card, including your photo, if you don’t already have one. If you’re a foreigner, same drill, but you may not have to pay and may not get a card unless you ask. The card earns rewards from casino play and other spending at High1 that can be redeemed at the resort. The office of the Kangwon Land Addiction Care Center is also located in the casino entry area; Kangwon Land says it pioneered the concept of onsite treatment for gambling disorders. The office is open daily until midnight, with peer counselors – all recovering addicts – present on and around the gaming floor throughout casino operating hours. As part of responsible gaming efforts, Koreans are limited to 15 casino visits monthly, while local residents can enter only on the last Tuesday of every month. There’s no alcohol served on the gaming floor, though one fountain area dispenses a good vintage grape juice beside the orange and apple, plus tea, coffee and sodas. CHEAP THRILLS If you want a seat at a gaming table, use your High1 card to get on the waiting list, then join the throngs of Kangwon Land doesn’t let slip many details on “membership play” in the 198 square meter club, but assures that VIP get nothing more than a room and meals while playing, certainly no rebates on chip purchases and definitely no credit. 江原樂園不願透露這個198平方米的俱樂部中相 關「會員博彩」的很多細節,只是保證了貴賓客戶 在娛樂期間可以得到一個房間及餐飲服務,買籌 碼沒有折扣,且肯定不能賒欠。 Kangwon Land President and CEO Moon Taegon 江原樂園首席執行官Moon Taegon 低價的刺激 如果你想在賭枱邊坐下,需要用你的High1卡先進入等候名 單,然後加入一群候選投入者,直至得到分配結果。外國人被集中在 娛樂場一角的八個賭枱上。無論外國人還是韓國人,都可以玩低至 1000韓元的賭枱遊戲,不到1美元。這樣的價格,你幾乎不會不玩。 為韓國客人準備的,是主娛樂場的160張賭枱——減去給外國人 的8張賭枱——有超過三分之二的賭枱提供二十一點或百家樂,此外 還有12張輪盤賭枱和6張骰寶賭枱,全部採用雙賭佈局,外加其他少量 博彩遊戲,諸如「賭場戰爭」(casino war)或是「三張撲克」(three card poker)等。中場的最底投注額為1000韓元,紙牌遊戲則大多為5000及 10000韓元。最高投注額則從50000韓元(42美元)至300000韓元(252 美元)之間。 Summitas貴賓廳區域則有20張賭枱,其中16張是百家樂,4張 是21點。江原樂園不願透露這個198平方米的俱樂部中相關「會員博 彩」的很多細節,只是保證了貴賓客戶在娛樂期間可以得到一個房 間及餐飲服務,但買籌碼沒有折扣,且肯定不能賒欠。據說這些貴賓 客戶們可以享受更高的額度及禮賓購物等特別服務。十五年前貴賓 廳的收入曾佔到整個娛樂場收入的三分之一,但去年,這一塊的收 入就下降到佔博彩總收入的15.5%。 低額博彩 撲克區有八張枱,需要購買10萬韓元(84美元)至100萬韓元 (840美元)的參賽金。遊戲是德州撲克,但不是無限下注,而是低下 注。盲注的額度為2000韓元及5000韓元,轉牌及河牌的額度提高至1 萬韓元。在任何投注回合中不得超過兩次加注,但最後一輪為例外, 可允許三次加注,最高最終下注金額為40000韓元。 大部分的賭枱及所有電子博彩機台都被設置在娛樂場的入口